Are You Ready To Start Playing With Your Own Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils?

Here are the steps to take to get your own doTERRA essential oils, have myself as your oils mentor + gain access to an online oils support community called The Path To Wellness.

Access to The Path To Wellness Community gives you education and inspiration to get the most out of using your oils with loads of informative videos, recipes + online trainings. 

How To Order Your Oils:

No matter what you need right now, there is an enrolment kit that will be perfect for you. All you need to do is scroll down and you will be taken to my doTERRA enrolment page. Instructions vary depending on your country, but it's all very straight forward. If at any stage you require support, please reach out to me at [email protected].

How To Order Your Oils:

  • Click here to start
  • Click Join & Save
  • Select your country.
  • Select Wholesale Customer (gets you 25% off).
  • At Enroller Id, make sure our number 4890967 is displayed then click verify to see my name, Kasey Willson. This gives you access to our team oils support.
  • Create an account by filling out your details.
  • Select an enrolment kit. I started with the Home Essentials Kit, but there are loads of great options for you! Choosing a kit is the most cost-effective way to get started and waves the $35 joining fee.
  • Complete your purchase and you are all done.
  • Once we see your account has been created, you will get an email from us with details about getting started with My Wellness Essentials, the ongoing oils support and joining our beloved community.

(If you need help at any point, please email us at [email protected] and we will respond ASAP) 

Start playing with your oils! 

I know you’ll fall for them, just like I did. You’ll find plenty of recipes and beautiful rituals in the Path To Wellness Community, as well as loads of ideas in our fortnightly trainings.

I look forward to being here as your personal oils mentor along your essential oils journey!

With love,





50% Complete

Two Step

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